Tuesday, October 18, 2011


A: "They have open windows without glass planes. And their facades are floods them. While sewage from outside Kibera flows  into the slum, the sewage from inside never leaves."
B: Slums are a thick over populated , run down  place inhabited by a big portion of people with a poor economic conditions.   
C: Slums have a negative effect on human populations because inhabitants of slums live in poor conditions, experience high crime rates and many are forced to leave their homes when slums are destroyed.
D: It is because slums that many people never succeed and become someone better in life, and live in a not so good enviorment.

Defendable point #1
A: The poor conditions of the inhabitants of humans in slums is one negative effect.
B: " The Foul River carries not just sewage but also chemicals from farming states outside the slum. It's littered with refuse, too: plastic bags, glass bottle. A toddler stands barefoot at the waters edge." (article 2)
C: in this quote it demonstrates that the river is contaminated not only by sewage, but with chemicals too. It is also surrounded by trash.
D: The fact that the river is contaminated proves that the people living in slums live in poor conditions. This is yet nothing compared to the high crime rates taking place.

Defendable point #2:
A: in slums there is a high criminal rate that is contributing to the affect on human population.
B: "About 2 billion of them will live in slums, primarily in Africa and Asia, lacking access to clean drinking water and working toilets, surrounded by desperation and crime."(article 4)
C: This means that besides poor conditions there is desperation and crime among the people.
D: Therefore the crime affects the human population, but not only that; these people are sometimes forced to leave their homes because the slum they are living in is destroyed.

Defendable point #3
A: A human population can be affected by people living in slums forced to leave their homes because the slum they are living in is  destroyed or is going to be rebuild into a working city.
B: "Many governments demolish slums under the banner of eradicating urban blight and crime. But often it's just a pretense to quash centers of political opposition or to clear land for developers. Almost always, the slum dwellers simply rebuild or relocate."
C: This informs the reader that the government tries to get ride of the slums but they never rally demolish them. This is for every time they destroy one the people always rebuild them, but this time in a faster way, and sometimes twice as big as before. They will take longer, but they will not give up on constructing a new slum.
D: The reason why the government tries to get ride of the slums because they affect the human population.

A: In document 2 Fink says, "They have open windows without glass planes."
B: The poor conditions, being forced to leave their homes with, and high crime raters have affected the the human population growth.
C: The crime has reached severed high levels because they need money. The poor conditions people live in has a higher probability on getting sick.
D: Therefore slums have affected the human population growth over the years. The fact that crime is happening in slums everyday. 

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